Blueberry Coffee Cake

Hello again foodies! I am so excited about this post, for many reasons, but mainly because it is SO delicious! A few days ago I was inspired and on a mission to make blueberry cupcakes, like....really BLUE blueberry cupcakes and frosting. So I set out to Winn Dixie to pick up blueberries and some buttermilk, only to return home and find out that the two pints of berries I purchased (at a hefty price, I might add) were greenish white inside! Being from Maine, where blueberries are the state 'fruit', I had never seen a blueberry that was white inside, and not gushing purple goo. At first I was quite irritated at the fact that they were white and kind of sour but, feeling rude, I did not want to return them either. 

Last night I found a blueberry coffee cake recipe and decided it would still be a tasty way to use up most of the berries, and gave it a try. I combined it with a family coffee cake recipe and it was a success. Now, they say you learn something new everyday, what did I learn? I learned last night, that these ugly white-fleshed berries, magically turn blue and ooze purple once cooked!! It just has to be magic, I'm not kidding, I pulled one berry out of the baked cake and squashed it in a paper towel. Purple berry guts everywhere, no white or green remnants in sight! The moral of the story today is: "Don't doubt the 'blue' in the blueberry. It will make its appearance!" While the berries are still a bit more sour than regular wild blueberries, the sugar-crumb filling in this recipe balances it very nicely. So whether for breakfast, dessert, or a snack; enjoy!

Valentine's Cake Pops!

Yay, Asa finally posts more cake pops (and more to come)! For valentine's, I got some requests for cake pops, which I was planning on doing already. One of my friends wanted to learn more on how to make them, and the whole situation turned into a cake pop making party. Hors d'oeuvres, mimosas and all! Between the 5 of us at this brunch...we must have made more than 80 or 90 cake pops! It was a lot of fun, creation, and food! Here are the end results, just in time for valentine's day!

LOTS of photos!

 Photos by The Chocolate Cookie

Creamy Chicken Cordon Bleu

The sauce was almost a meal in, so good!

Long time, no blog, eh? So, the last few days has been filled with comfort food for me. My husband and I had both secretly planned to cook for each other on Valentine's day. I had just got done cleaning the whole kitchen when Hubby got home, requesting me to vacate the premises. Being valentines day and that I do tend to enjoy being pampered...I let him win. He made a delicious New York strip steak dinner and dessert for me! It was amazing!

I decided to make my dinner the next day. First time making Chicken cordon bleu and I will certainly be making it many times more. It was super creamy, flavorful and hit the spot. A couple changes and it will be perfect! Chicken cordon bleu is traditionally made filled with ham and Swiss cheese, but I was imagining a much creamier dish and decided to experiment, using brie instead; and a very successful experiment it was. So here is my version of chicken cordon bleu! Enjoy.

12 Treats of Christmas: Sugar Cookies

 This Christmas I sent little "care packages" to my family and Jon's parents. In addition to the fudge and cake balls, I made some quick wintery sugar cookies too! I didn't have a lot of time to take photos so this is about all I've got for you :-). I am also currently looking for my lost recipe :(  so I will have to post it later.

 Hello, sweets-eaters! So, the last few months I have been dabbling in something new, something amazing! Cake pops! I made some cute Halloween ones and some pink ones which I may still post later, but today I bring you cake pops full of Christmas spirit: Santa and elf hat pops! Some of you know of what I speak; others of you are probably asking what a cake pop is. A cake pop (originally invented by the one and only, Bakerella.) is basically delicious cake, molded into a "cake ball" and gloriously made into a' pop' by dipping it in candy coating or melted chocolate. If you are a chocoholic like me, or simply a sweet-o-holic, you cannot tread this earth without trying one....or 20! 

What would this Christmas be without a "little" chocolate!?! I was craving fudge pretty bad so I decided to whip some up for the 12 Treats. This recipe turned out really well, but also really sweet (fine by me). Cut it into smaller pieces if you don't want to overdose... Or cut them large...either way! :-)

Hey all! Time for some more sweets! These cute little cakes are less of a traditional Christmas dessert but are becoming sort of a tradition for me as I've made them the last 3 or 4 Christmases. Being from Maine, I pretty much grew up knowing what a Whoopie Pie is, but if you're going, "A whoopie what??" I'll explain. A whoopie pie is basically two flat cakes, or cookies, as some refer to them, joined together with a sweet marshmallow-ey cream. While these palm or burger-sized treats can be found in gas stations and Ma & Pa restaurants all over New England, they were originally invented with the Amish.